The Psychology of Addictions: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
In one study comparing cannabis use in San Francisco (where cannabis is criminalized) and Amsterdam (de facto decriminalization), there was no evidence to support claims that criminalization laws reduce use or that decriminalization increases use. In fact, San Francisco reported a higher cannabis use rate than Amsterdam (Reinarman, Cohen and Kaal 2004). Every learned action, whether pro-social or anti-social, may be prompted by social conditions such as a lack of resources, conflict, social norms, peer pressure, an underlying drive (e.g., hunger, sex, craving), or a combination of these factors (Bunge 1997).
Integrating Assessment Results
We will also explore Health Psychology’s role in predicting depressive episodes, their recurrence, and how it helps manage the illness by different approaches. Transitioning from spirituality, let’s delve into substance use assessment, explicitly focusing on the Addiction Severity Index (ASI). Imagine a tool that meticulously uncovers the various aspects of a person’s life affected by substance use. Its richly detailed interview format examines seven potential problem areas, revealing the full spectrum of the individual’s substance use. This comprehensive index is a powerhouse for identifying addiction severity laying a roadmap for intervention strategies. Friendly and non-judgemental, the ASI is a trusted companion in the journey of addiction recovery.
Latent Profile Analyses of Addiction and Mental Health Problems in Two Large Samples
Similarly, in therapeutic intervention, monitoring the effectiveness of the strategies employed is paramount. It’s about cultivating resilience, nurturing self-belief, and fostering an environment that supports progress. Meanwhile, the efficiency of therapeutic interventions, like a lighthouse in the storm, provides a beacon of clarity. It gauges the effectiveness of implemented strategies, highlighting any necessary adjustments.
Study Strategies
Diving into the depths of the biological aspects of our topic, let’s start by exploring the role of genetics. Like colorful threads woven into the fabric of our being, genes shape our physical and mental makeup. Certain genetic predispositions may increase the likelihood of developing these problems in the context of substance-related issues. Some books—your genes—contain stories that may predispose a person to gravitate towards harmful substances. The nature of these genetic influences remains a complex mystery, yet their existence is crucial in understanding the biological factors at play.
- Imagine a gardener tending to his garden, carefully observing each plant, looking for signs of progress, and reassessing as needed.
- Agents of Change will help you prepare to PASS your licensing exam and level up your career.
- Previous research has also shown strong associations between medical, educational, and mental health services and substance use treatment retention.
- Yet many other elements are idiosyncratic, such as the intensity of the experience of reward and the functioning of the individual’s mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway in the brain.
Benefits of the Biopsychosocial Spiritual Model
And I woke up late in the morning and the clinic was about to close and I’m like, crap, I’m not going to get my medicine. And then my accident was severe and my redacted was fractured in multiple places. So I was instantly put into the hospital and put on heavy narcotics again” (P11; -). Regular reviews of therapeutic approaches, their efficacy, and the pace of progress are critical. If the compass needle wavers, indicating a strategy isn’t working as well as expected, adjustments can be pro isn’t made. Imagine a gardener tending to a garden, constantly checking the health of the plants, pruning them when necessary, and providing the proper nutrients to foster growth.
In this section, the spotlight is on unmasking the cloak of mental health symptoms. In this paper we use the term “substance use disorder” or “addiction” to refer to both the complex nature of severe substance dependence and substance abuse. It is the integration of biological data and psycho-social, narrative, family information, and clinical phenomenology that will make way for more precise forecasting and earlier diagnosis than is possible today. This is one path to follow for new opportunities for treatment and intervention directed toward prevention. Accordingly, an analysis of the ethical, legal and social issues around other problems of addiction, such as prescription opiate misuse for pain management, may also be examined within the context of our proposed framework. Heroin is lipid soluble, which leads to fast penetration of the blood-brain barrier and high abuse potential (Julien 2001).
Breaking Down the Model
This can extend to legal substances such as alcohol or tobacco (including, in recent years, the increased prohibition against cigarette smoking in public spaces and its growing social unacceptability in private spaces). As a result, mainstream culture does not—for the most part—have an accepted role for most types of substance use, unlike many older cultures, which may accept use, for example, as part of specific religious rituals. Thus, people who experiment with drugs in the United States usually do so in highly marginalized social settings, which can contribute to the development of substance use disorders (Wilcox 1998). A tangled web of biology, psychology, and social influences lies at the heart of addiction, a complex and multifaceted disorder that has long perplexed scientists and devastated countless lives.
The biological basis of addiction helps to explain why people need much more than good intentions or willpower to break their addictions. These distorted beliefs can perpetuate addictive behaviors by justifying continued use or creating a sense of helplessness in the face of attempts to quit (Rezaeisharif et al., 2021). So, how does all this theoretical knowledge translate into practical treatment approaches? “You can walk in at one point you have a UA and unfortunately for me I had trouble going to the bathroom when people were staring at me.
Assessing the Client’s School or Workplace
This kind of “neuro-essentialism” (Racine, Bar-Ilan, and Illes 2005) may bring about unintentional consequences on a person’s sense of identity, responsibility, notions of agency and autonomy, illness, and treatment preference. The biopsychosocial model of addiction integrates biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors in understanding substance use, contrasting with the traditional biomedical model that focuses solely on biochemical causation. By embracing the biopsychosocial model, a comprehensive approach to prevention and treatment can be developed that acknowledges the multifaceted nature of addiction.
- The objective of these trials is to investigate the benefits and risks of administering medically supervised, pharmaceutical-grade injectable heroin to chronic opiate users where other treatment options, such as methadone maintenance therapy, have failed.
- The ‘Khat’ was the physical body, and The ‘Ab’ was the organ of thinking and deciding (The mind).
- When assessing a client’s school or workplace, pay attention to the relationship dynamics, expectations, and perceived support or lack thereof.
- Shifting gears from the realm of psychological cues, let’s now dive into the significance of assessing social support.
- Fifteen semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted from August through November of 2021 regarding patient experiences receiving MOUD in 13 Vermont Hub and Spoke clinics.
White (1996) gives an example of a person who was initially attracted in youth to a drug culture because of a desire for social acceptance and then grew up within that culture. Through involvement in the drug culture, he was able to gain a measure of self-esteem, change his family dynamic, explore his sexuality, develop lasting friendships, and find a career path (albeit a criminal one). For this individual, who had so much of his life invested in the drug culture, it was as difficult to conceive of leaving that culture as it was to conceive of stopping his substance use. Substance users, loved ones, and treatment providers need to realize that significant lifestyle changes are frequently required to replace the culture of addiction with a culture of recovery. In the following passage, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) shares its insights into the role of drug cultures. Families also play a critical role in the recovery process (Onyenwe & Odilbe, 2024).
- The complex behaviour contributes both positive and negative feedback, and thus affects how the complex behaviour emerges.
- Transitioning from the examination of substance use, a unique factor to explore is the military background of an individual.
- ” These inquiries can gently open the gateway to understanding how clients’ spiritual beliefs influence their behavior, choices, and overall well-being.
- When dopamine release is triggered by a substance or behavior, it creates feelings of pleasure and reward, reinforcing the likelihood of repeating the behavior.
- Rather than pinpoint the one thing that causes addiction, we now understand that a constellation of factors contributes to a person being more or less at risk for addiction.
This model challenges the traditional biomedical approach, which reduces addiction solely to biochemical causes and often overlooks the significant roles of psychological and sociocultural influences. It asserts that addressing a combination of these factors is essential for effective recovery and presents a more holistic view of addiction that aligns with contemporary research findings. Addiction is a complex and multifaceted condition that impacts individuals and their families on multiple levels. While the stereotypical image of addiction might involve a person misusing substances like alcohol or drugs, addictive behaviours extend beyond substances and include activities such as gambling, internet use, and even food consumption. Understanding addiction requires a comprehensive approach that considers biological, psychological, and social factors—known collectively as the biopsychosocial model (Masiak, 2013). This model provides a holistic framework for exploring the causes, progression, and treatment of addiction.